"I feel we could call this a deep cuts disco-funk mix in the broadest sense of the tagline. Just a lot of tunes I collect and maybe the stuff I find personally most interesting, jazz funk, disco funk, psychedelic rock etc. I am taking liberties here. As a father of two, I am under hard time constraints. But since my studio at home is finished, I have the possibility to a) hang with my records again b) keep collecting records for a mix over several days. so the mix builds up inside of me already. i go for walks. listen to more music. and then when it needs to come out, it comes out. Didn't wanna play too many people would immediately know in the mix and at the same time, that I can make people fall in love and discover something new. that's the point hey? finders keepers. i hope the vibe resonates, I've definitely dug a bit deeper to keep everyone entertained. Enjoy, M."
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