hour one:
"double clutching" cecil taylor quintet w/john coltrane
"still here still ripping" cyrus pireh
"sending positive vibes" cyrus pireh
"I'll tell u whatz funny" bomis prendin
"a barrel of knives / rakish paddy / the wee dollop" spot
"for sonny osborne" mike molnar
"dream interpretation #16" roger clark miller
"contraband" blag dahlia
"feel not crushed" robert pollard
"an interlude for that vital second cup of tea of the day with some chocolate on the side" puppet midnight
"rubber bat and arsenopyrite slime mine" rubber o cement
"duos 1 excerpt" anthony jay ptak & cyrus pireh
hour two:
"erased and marginalized original persons of the electric guitar" cyrus pireh
"cin cin (don't forget that I existed)" almighty opp
"what are we doing what could be done?" cyrus pireh
"beating wings of the hawk pinned to the grill of an I-80 semi" cyrus pireh
"ensite" etage 34 + tenko
"no hiding place for me" jeb loy nichols
"(saturday morning in b&q)" cod o'donnell
"ningun dios en el rascacielos esta comprando tu libertad con sangre" acl & cyrus pireh
hour three:
"hay w'happens" skeletons and the kings of all cities
"alf runs and runs" if, bwana
"monument 03 excerpt" marlon rohl & cyrus pireh
"live@airegin yokohama 07-13-2014 excerpt" kawol samarqandi & cyrus pireh
"let your fingers sing the pain" ra kalam bob moses - damon smith duo
"3 becomes 2" jobs
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