Genesis 12 is one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament because it begins to show us God's plan for the world; as He calls Abraham to establish a new nation of people dedicated to Him. Chapter 12 lays the foundation for much of what unfolds through the rest of scripture. Join us for another key study in a key chapter of God's Word!
- Read over verses 1-3. What were the promises that God gave to Abram? In what sense were these unconditional promises? From what you can tell in these verses, how does the Lord expect Abram to respond to them?
- What do these unconditional promises indicate about God, His plan of redemption, and the kind of blessings He would pour out upon Abram and his descendants?
- According to the study, how will this new nation be different from the nations of the world that we saw back in Genesis 11? How is this difference still to be reflected in the life of believers today?
- Genesis 12 opens with Abram being 75 years old and living in the northern area of Haran. When God calls Abram to “Go forth from your country,” what would this departure have been like for Abram and his family? How was Abram’s obedience an indication of his faith? How did Abram respond? How is that a model for our responses to God’s commands?
- How do you think Abram felt about leaving his family and former life behind? How would you have felt if you were in Abram’s shoes?
- In verse 5, who went with Abram on his journey to the Promised Land? Glance back to the list of Abram’s family in Genesis 11:27-32. Who did not go with Abram? Why do you think they didn’t go with him?
- In verses 6 and 7, the Lord appeared to Abram at the Oak of Moreh; which was a common place of pagan worship. What did Abram build there? Thinking about this radical action, how do you think Abram had such faith and courage? What does this kind of faith and courage look like in our walk with God today?
- The study mentioned that there are physical descendants of Abram and spiritual descendants of Abram who have embraced God’s New Covenant by faith. Have you accepted God’s covenantal offer to join this nation of God-obeyers? If not, why not? If so, what does this look like in your life?
- The end of Chapter 12 includes an account of Abram not looking very heroic. What happened in verses 10-20? How does this seem incongruent with a man of faith? What does this teach us about the kind of people God uses? Does this give you any hope that God might still have a plan for you?
Check out our brand-new Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon just in time for the Genesis relaunch in January!
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