A Mysterious Traveler. A Sentient Canine. A Psychotic Patient...
Grieving psychiatrist Ben Banks can’t find a way to heal from loss. But when a mystifying, miraculous and mind-bending trio arrive at the psych ward, the Doctor is forced to confront his deepest fears and beliefs about the nature of consciousness and reality - even death. With his marriage, career and life hanging by a thread, he faces demons both real and imagined, all the while being transformed forever in this inspiring story of hope, healing and renewal.
Today's special guest, Donald Altman, MA, LPC, author of the book Travelers, is a psychotherapist, former monk, two-time Emmy-Award winner and award-winning author of over 20 books and CDs on mindfulness and spirituality.
Donald Altman is an international mindfulness expert, speaker and trainer, he has taught over 15,000 mental health clinicians, physicians, nurses, and others how to use mindfulness interventions for depression, anxiety, trauma, pain and stress-related conditions.
Donald served as Vice-President of international organization The Center for Mindful Eating. For many years, he was an adjunct professor in Portland State University’s Interpersonal Neurobiology Program, and taught graduate level classes for Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling. Donald was a Senior Mental Health Therapist at both a General Psychiatric Clinic and Eating Disorder Clinic for four years, before opening his own clinic outside of Portland, Oregon.
Donald writes the Practical Mindfulness Blog for Psychology Today, and his articles have over 600,000 views in the past year. His book The Mindfulness Toolbox was a two-time Gold Award Winner of the Ben Franklin Publishing Award for both the Psychology and Body-Mind-Spirit categories.
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