An conversation with Aleksey Stukalov (@AlekseyStukalov) about:
the deepest hole-11km,
starting with Pascal,
math - and there is nothing to argue about,
integral and differential equations,
writing an article about magnetic impulses,
1c - consulting company,
implementing accounting software,
learning C#,
Silverlight and LINQ,
from C# to Java,
starting CUBA and jmix,
cuba and jmix are like MS Access for Java,
building a banking system for Paraguay,
25k developers is using CUBA,
starting JPA Buddy,
selling on IntelliJ marketplace,
JPA Buddy - the Vlad automation tool,
"#117 Java Persistence: From DB over JDBC to Transactions" episode with Vlad Mihalcea,
JPA buddy is a IntelliJ plugin,
the Jetbrains MPS (Meta Programming System),
Intellij is an interesting distribution channel,
DTO generation,
mapping entities to DTOs,
implementing projections with JPA,
JSON-P with Java Records
Aleksey Stukalov on twitter: @AlekseyStukalov