Mike Finley, Crazymanpinkwig.com talks with Chris and special guests, Jeff Buseman, and Keaton Buseman, father and son, farmers from Iowa, about the importance of investing early and often to diversify your finances, build wealth over time, and create financial freedom. This is a phenomenal conversation that you do not want to miss! Jeff explains his story of investing throughout his career as a farmer, including some of the best decisions and some of the things that he could’ve done better. Mike and Jeff explain some of the changes they made in Jeff’s investing strategy for the family as well as the opportunities he made for his kids by investing at a young age in a Roth IRA custodial account. Mike goes on to explain many of the particulars necessary to do this correctly, and with the least amount of fees possible. Mike also illustrates the difference between managed funds and stock index funds, and provides insight on some of the best places to go for help that does NOT have hidden fees. Jeff Buseman and his family are a true testament to the fact that we all have the ability to manage our own money and the payback is absolutely exponential. IT’S YOUR MONEY!! Also, A special thank you to Mike Finley for all the help that he is giving to our clients and people in the agricultural industry to help us all create our own financial freedom. Here is a link to a “fee-only” helper that I use in our farm operation. benchfn.com
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