A conversation about platform migration turned into an interesting topic about the end of expertise and the changing of the way we think about expertise in a variety of contexts.
How can platform improvement be radically transformed by the use of AI? We discuss entering a world where the lock that we've had in a platform, or the longevity of a platform, is radically transformed by the ability to review, scan, test, correct, and transport the data included in that system. The expertise needed to handle platform migration might be entering a new era in which it's radically reduced. What are the implications of those transformations?
We address a wide range of the impacts of knowledge, AI, and generative machine learning.
Transcript: https://otter.ai/u/4nL-a5_7dMhYBsvSFP3w8ABdXvc?utm_source=copy_url
Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/shepherd-dog-with-flock-of-sheep-5384726/
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