Today's special guest, Christina Woods helps high functioning women crush self-doubt and become unstoppable! She empowers women to put themselves first, find absolute clarity, listen, and trust their intuition. To stop looking outside for what they need and want so they can step into their true authentic self, free of self-sabotaging behavior, and a life full of deep meaning, and potential.
Christina provides deep hypnotherapy, with personalized coaching. As an Empowerment Coach, she combines her qualifications as a RTT Therapist®, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Theta Healer, Reiki Master, corporate leadership, and life experiences in dealing with trauma, abandonment, setting boundaries and how to love oneself. She guides you through the process of identifying why you have the self-sabotaging behaviors in the first place, so you can release them and start owning who you are, and what you are meant to do. Once you believe in yourself, you do so much more than survive, you thrive in your life.
Christina Woods is a licensed Rapid Transformational Therapist, clinical Hypnotherapist, Empowerment Coach, and Reiki Master, has extensive experience working on complex challenges and pulling potential out of others so that they can become self-reliant individuals. She is the CEO and Founder of Wise Woods Hypnotherapy.
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