What is wisdom and how do we get it? Join us today as we begin our study in the Book of Proverbs and mine out God's true wisdom for life!
1. How would you define wisdom? What does it look like? What does it accomplish? How does a person gain wisdom?
2. The podcast mentioned that the book of Proverbs is “Gnomic Literature.” What is “Gnomic Literature” and why is that important when applying the countless promises that are in the book of Proverbs?
3. The podcast explained that the Hebrew word for wisdom is “chokmah” which also means “skill” and that wisdom is “skill for life.” How is this different from your understanding of wisdom? Does this affect your hope that you could be able to gain more wisdom?
4. The podcast suggested reading the Book of Proverbs very slowly, perhaps even only a few verses a day and then meditating on them. Why would this be a helpful way to study this important book?
5. Going on to Proverbs 1, verses 2 – 6 tell us what this book is intending to accomplish. What are they? Which of these benefits are you in most need for today?
6. According to verse 7, where must we start in our endeavor to grow in knowledge? In your understanding, why must we start here? What would be the danger of starting in other places?
7. According to verse 7, what is the mindset of fools? Why do they think this way? In terms of your own walk, does your life more align with the first half of verse 7, or the second?
8. In verses 8 & 9, what are the promises of pursuing wisdom?
9. Look over verses 10-15, what are the warnings of aligning with the unrighteous? What kind of harm can befall us when we walk with “sinners”?
10. What does a wise person do in verse 20? How is this different than the fool or the sinner that this chapter has warned about?
11. Why do you think that verses 20-33 personifies wisdom as a woman? What is she like in these verses? What does she promise? What does she warn about?
12. How should we respond to wisdom’s reproof in verse 23? How do people tend to respond, instead?
13. What is the final promise in verse 33? Why do you think this promise holds true for those who listen to wisdom?
14. Think about your own approach to wisdom. Are you a person who listens to the wise counsel of others? If so, what does that look like in your life? If not, what might have to change in your thinking so that you would align with God’s instructions?
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Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.
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