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Healing From Within - Sheryl Glick
Religion & Spirituality:Spirituality
Welcome to Healing from Within with host Sheryl Glick Reiki Master Teacher and author of her newest book in a trilogy A New Life Awaits: Spirit Guided Insights to Support Global Awakening which shares stories and messages that show us our greatest challenges are not economic political or societal but simply a disconnect from our true inner soul wisdom and life force. Today Sheryl welcomes Sherry Stirling Fernandez, author of Life Mastery which shows readers that if they are not progressing to a better version of themselves, they cannot achieve a true sense of joy nor the fulfillment of their personal life and soul goals.
As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her courageous and intuitive guests share intimate stories and experiences that clarify the duality of life both our physical and energetic or inner soul consciousness, so we may begin to appreciate our special spiritual gifts that allow us to conquer challenges, improve relationships, and find harmony balance peace love and compassion leading us to more productive and purposeful life journey’s and being genuinely happier in the process.
In today’s episode of Healing From Within Sherry shares her earlier childhood family chaos and how she knew she was destined for great things and believed in her personal potential to achieve the best life for herself, family and in her work experiences. We will be guided to understand the keys to embark on the quest for self-empowerment…the determination of your WHY or your goals, The WHAT- what needs your focus and attention to achieve Life Mastery in eight different aspects of your life. And the HOW—getting an assessment of where you are: what goals and action steps to take and the habits you need to instill or replace.
Sherry when asked to think back to her childhood and remember a person place or event that might have shown her or others the life values and life style they would embrace as an adult she immediately tells me she spent a lot of time on her own going to the movies and experiencing the many challenges that the characters on the screen faced. Through deep in the throes of childhood family chaos with two unstable and unhappy parents divorcing, marrying others, then remarrying-amidst constant moving and dysfunctional child rearing, Sherry still knew that she was destined for great things. She believed in her potential for greatness. Sherry tells us how she left home at 17, teen flirting with thievery, drugs and self- destruction, pregnant at 19, married by 22 and living a hippie lifestyle with all that implied in the 1970’s. She and her husband Ken lived on the edge of destitution until they began to explore personal development through books, tapes and live events with leaders in the movement of self – empowerment. Slowly they inched themselves and their six children forward toward a better, more rewarding and financially strong life.
Sherry tells us that things weren’t so good but things might have gotten worse for her family and her but a miracle happened. When Sherry was ten her parents divorced their spouses and remarried. Life was better for a while. The family moved to a small ranch in southeast Idaho and Sherry rode horses and excelled at debate. She had friends dated but still spent a lot of time alone. She was a thinker and a reader and wanted to know the secret to a successful life. The counselor at her high school once told her that it was normal for teens to want to fit in and then asked Sherry why she didn’t feel that way. The world had big plans for Sherry and how could she be classified as special if she blended in?
Sheryl has to say that as a gifted student who skipped almost 2 years of school and graduated high school at 16 years old, she felt much the same as Sherry. Work and helping the family was important and Sheryl wanted a home husband and successful healthy family and work life and for her that meant contentment security or making enough money to have a house, travel and pursue other learning experiences in life. Her hobbies were interior design, learning about antique film theatre writing but always learning something new, not really being part of groups, clubs or belief systems. A bit of a loner like Sherry, she was intuitive and knew somehow there was more to life than the materialistic world she and most people were focusing on, but still being a participant in what she was interested in kept her absorbed, not lonely or bored.
Sherry explores the purpose of life is to be happy and happiness is the universal desire of mankind but first each person must determine what brings fulfilment and purpose to life for in finding and working towards those ends happiness is the natural by product. Sherry and all those who strive to understand the purpose of a physical life come to realize that within us is a majestic power that when used with love can help us achieve many of the goals that lead to a peaceful and happy life.
What seems to be the key to happiness some might say service or love. There is a universal answer to what makes people happy. Personal progression toward an infinite potential is the key to happiness. In the Hebrew Torah the psalmist sings, “Thou hast made him (man) a little lower than God and crowned him with glory and honor,”
Abraham Maslow expressed the contradiction between our “nothingness” and our infinite possibility when he said, “We are simultaneously worms and gods.” Every time we become a little better and move closer to that divine infinite marvelous potential, we are a little happier because personal progression toward an infinite potential is the key to happiness.
Sherry suggests a little experiment to see that personal progression toward an infinite potential is the key to happiness. Do something that challenges you, something hard. Hike a steep hill, take a small gift to someone you don’t particularly like, make that call that you have been dreading, or apologize to someone you have offended, especially if you think you were justified. Gather up all your courage and do it, then see what your happiness level feels like. You will be proud of yourself! And because you like yourself more, your self-esteem will increase. You will stretch, you will grow, and you will be better than you were. You will be happier and like Bruce Barton said, “Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances.”
Since Happiness cannot be found in a life that is out of balance and to have full mastery of our lives we must determine WHAT needs improvement in each area of Life Mastery.
The areas of life we must concentrate on:
The Spiritual Self
Education and Motivation
Building Character.
Sheryl responds that as a Reiki Energy Practitioner in healing sessions she works on the chakra system or 7 main energy wheels of light which connect us to each other and the universal source of creation. If one wheel has been neglected or wounded it can be off balance or even wobble and must be restored as life and health are best when all the chakras are functioning well and in sync. In other words we must not neglect any aspect of our lives focusing only on some issues and not others.
In the introduction to the book Sherry tells the story Of Jerry Sternin who was sent by a humanitarian organization to Viet Nam to find a solution to help feed the families as 65 percent of children under the age of five were suffering from malnutrition. Though Sternin did not speak Vietnamese, had no funding and little government support he was able to find a brilliant solution.
Sternin searched for and found families where the children were thriving rather than starving even though they had no more financial means than the other villagers. He visited families at mealtimes to see what they did differently. He discovered the mothers of the thriving children were gathering tiny shrimps, crabs and snails from the rice paddies and cooking them along with sweet potato greens, into their children’s food. While this was not a common custom in Vietnam, adding these items gave the children vital nutrition. Sternin had found a sustainable solution to the plague of malnutrition and it was in reach of every family. Sternin recognized the real experts were the Vietnamese mothers who had found a way to nourish their children and had been practicing certain principles with success. He recruited and organized the mothers of the thriving children to teach those who had not discovered how to do it on their own. Vietnamese mothers became authorities as they taught what they knew to other mothers and those mothers became authorities also. They became successful living by certain principles and like those mothers success does not come from expert status, a degree or courses but from a life time of learning and practicing certain principles with success and once you achieve this state of being you also have an obligation to share them with others.
Sherry says that knowing your WHY is the critical first step in figuring out how to achieve the goals that excite you and can create a life where you thrive rather than just survive. Sherry says the road to change from young party people to joining the establishment to support your children might be hard. Brian Tracy writes “ We do not usually make significant and lasting changes in quantum leaps. All permanent change is progressive over a long period of time. This type of change requires patience and discipline. It is only this type of change that is worthwhile and enduring.
Sheryl has often told her Reiki students that to become proficient or really good in any area of life takes time, practice and continuous effort or perhaps 15 years to hone your skills at any profession or trade or area of life that is meaningful to you. Do not expect immediate success but expect to keep learning and improving skills till you master that challenge.
Sherry tells us that Ken and she married, loved their 6 children, worked hard but struggled to pay their bills, attempted a few ventures which failed, but over the next ten years were able to move their family into increasingly nicer homes and better lifestyles. Within 15 years of that experience we were independently wealthy, our marriage was loving, warm and romantic, family was thriving, we were physically fit, traveled and became the people that Lilly admired. Lilly is one of their 21 grandchildren. Our life is not perfect …no one’s is but by all measures we are successful.
Sherry says they achieved these things when many do not because there were three things going for them. We loved each other completely. We adored our little family and We trusted God. We also read the book called See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar and learned a few things about success. When asked how he was. Zig Ziglar always responded, “Outstanding But I am always improving.”
The full formula for happiness looks like this: Contentment + Progress = Happiness Contentment with yourself is necessary for change because we absolutely need a strong self-image to know we are capable and deserving of the best life has to offer. Sherry always believed that even after giving up the wild lifestyle of drugs sex and rock and roll. She also began considering spiritual things more seriously.
Sheryl in her new book A New Life Awaits addresses happiness in many ways and writes, “The focus has too long been simple “happiness.” Some people will do anything to ensure their own happiness. Happiness is however, the result of a purposeful life and a realization of our human and spiritual qualities. Chaney Weiner, author of Because This is Your Life, writes, “You are here to do amazing things in your life because you are a special person who has something of tremendous value to contribute to the world that is based on what is most important to you…Do what inspires you most; don’t let other people be a dark cloud that stops you from realizing the glowing truth that’s responsible in uncovering the magnificence of who you are; and don’t give up, don’t ever give up.
Sheryl also wrote, “Each of us, I have discovered, has a specific unique destiny, experiences, and challenges that are included in a life plan or itinerary that comes into this world with us at conception. At conception, the soul part of life merges with physical body for the ultimate purpose of exploring our divine potential. I was reminded recently that true happiness can only be found by understanding our true worth as divine beings having a physical life. When we are able to discern our part in the process of creating happiness for ourselves and others, we will also recognize that the instinctual need to grow and put forth our presence in the world is really our reason for being!”
We might ask what is necessary to achieve the drive for progression and can contentment be part of that goal or drive. It may appear at first that contentment and the drive for progression cannot coexist in the same individual, but like many of life’s ironies, they are not only compatible but are necessary to one another. The real enemy of contentment is stagnation. It is easy to confuse contentment with complacency. Complacency is the enemy of progress. A static life breeds discontent and restlessness, not contentment or happiness.
What do we think of teachers? We might think of teachers who in their heart are not a teacher by training but by an inner passion.
The progression of becoming a teacher:
Sheryl says that she remembers when she had her first Reiki 1 Energy Healing Attunement at the Institute for Research and Enlightenment in New York City. At the end of the weekend training she asked her partner, a Reverend from Barbados what she was to do with this knowledge and healing practice and he said, “You will teach it.” And in time that’s exactly what Sheryl did. She wrote about it ,taught it to many students ,and followed her life plan which was to share the ancient healing art and awareness of Universal Source that life is eternal and we are spiritual beings having a physical life in order to love and learn and enrich ourselves and those we share time with.
Remember as Sherry says “When one teaches, two learn.” She writes that there are six things required before anyone can make large strides forward in their own personal development and enjoy the happIiness that is the companion to progress:
Many people have been conditioned to believe what they want is unattainable. This self-limiting belief impedes their efforts to progress and thereby stunts their opportunity for increased happiness.
Sherry writes, “In 2009 I opened a boutique fitness business called FitMania. We had three locations and hundreds of clients over the nine years I spent running the business. I would frequently have clients, or potential clients, in my office who desperately wanted to be lean and strong, but could not believe it was possible for them. There were plenty of people in the program who started in similar situations and were achieving their goals. That should have been evidence enough, but even after seeing the results too many still did not believe.
It was necessary to ask questions like:
Sherry You give nine simple power phrases to keep you motivated. Use them liberally!
Sherry tells her story of her wanting to change the world. Getting a grip on the physical self is critical to all personal development and she felt the world needed new ways of thinking about food and exercise. She says that for most people the pain isn’t their health or even how they look to other people. It is the pain from looking in the mirror and knowing the image they see doesn’t reflect who they are on the inside. Sherry goes on to say that she felt if she could teach a few hundred people how to gain a new perspective on themselves and life and if each of those people influenced the lives of a few people and then these few influenced a few more then we could change the world. It was only as Steve Jobs put it, a “dent in the universe,” but the world is different because of my efforts. That is why it is important to remember the first step of your own awakening and remember your why?
Sherry might like readers of Life Mastery to remember their Big Dreams List In order to expand your Why increase level of happiness and keep focused on developing daily habits, setting and accomplishing goals, and dealing with failure. You must expand your Why to make it so compelling you can’t bear to quit and then stay focused on that Why so failure is never an option. There are some fortunate people who seem to be born knowing their Why but most of us will have to work on discovering our own.
Sherry encourages her Life Mastery clients to compile fifty items on their Big Dreams list before proceeding to the next skill. She discusses John Goddard who wrote his list when he was fifteen. The list included items from learning to type on a keyboard to climbing Mt. Everest. When he was fifteen he told Life Magazine “ all the adults I knew seemed to complain, Oh, if only I’d done this or that when I was younger. They had let life slip by them. Goddard was sure he could have a life of excitement and of fun and knowledge. As a teenager he wrote over 127 goals and he ended up accomplishing over 100 of those original goals. He explored rivers like the Nile and the Congo, climbed mountains learned to play musical instruments composed music, studied primitive cultures, became an accomplished typist, taught college courses, became an Eagle Scout, served a mission for his church, married and had children and maintained a weight of 175 pounds all his life. One of the items on his list was to live into the twenty-first century and he died in 2013 having lived a full life with, we assume, very few regrets.
We thank Sherry Stirling Fernandez, author of Life Mastery for sharing ways to recognize our personal power and means to improve all aspects of life through attitude, education, acceptance and allowing the best of our spiritual gifts to move through us and guide us to our best version of ourselves.
In summarizing today’s episode of Healing From we have explored the purpose of life which is to be happy and to find within us the power to create and manifest our most balanced and purposeful lifestyle which allows for love family prosperity health and a means to explore the world nature relationships in a way that provides deep gratitude and acceptance of life in all its unfolding dimensions and realities.
Sherry tells us that when she told her Dad about her new adventure, he was incredulous. He asked Sherry why she would want to start a business at this point in her life. He expressed his strong opinion that she had worked hard and should drive around in her convertible, play with her grandchildren and enjoy an easy life.
Sherry writes, “There were many reasons I couldn’t do that. The first is that I have a need to build and nurture. The second and more important reason is I have a mission. I believe strongly in the potential of humans and I believe I have the ability to empower people to reach out and grow toward that potential. My mission was clear because twenty -five years earlier, after much consideration, I wrote my Mission Statement. I had been using it to help me make decisions for all of those years. This is my Mission Statement: I use all the knowledge, wisdom and personal power I possess to empower others in their personal progression toward their infinite potential.
Sherry and I would have our listeners remember their childhood and the dreams and desires they expressed in their beds before going to sleep and then remember how many seemed just so big bold and undoable but we tell you those thoughts were not random: they came from deep within in you from your soul memory and there are many souls or people around you only waiting to see you rekindle the spark to excel and shine, with joy and light, and to fulfil your wildest dreams. It is all within reach when you ask for help you may discover who you are as a divine soul of potential and possibility!
I am Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within and invite you visit my website to read about and listen to leaders in the metaphysical spiritual scientific healing and psychology fields as well as legal and education and the arts and music fields offer help in finding and living our best and divine life paths. Shows may also be heard on and
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