The Book of Isaiah is filled with complex messages that combine warnings, prophecies and encouragements. Today's passage is foundational to understanding the Book of Isaiah and includes warnings about abandoning the Covenant with God and the Coming Day when He will establish a New Kingdom for His covenant people.
1. Isaiah 2 is looking far down the timeline of history. According to verse 1, when will these things take place?
2. Verse 2 starts out talking about the “last days”. If you have time, glance at Ezekiel 38:16, Hosea 3:5 and Micah 4:1. When will these prophecies take place? However, the authors of Acts 2:17 and Hebrews 1:2 indicate that they were in the last days. Based on all of these verses, when are the last days? The podcast mentioned the principle of prophetic mountain ranges. What is that principle and how does it relate to this verse?
3. Read over verses 2 & 3. How do these verses characterize the last days?
4. According to verse 4, when these events take place, what kinds of things will the Lord be doing? What will the nations not be doing? Why?
5. In verse 5, Isaiah calls the people to walk in the light of the world. What “light” (so to speak) were they walking in verses 6 to 8?
6. What impact did their sins have on the overall society, as exemplified in verse 9?
7. In verses 10 & 11, when the Day of the Lord takes place, what will happen to the people? How will the Lord be exalted?
8. Read over verses 12 to 21, what kinds of things will happen on that “day”?
9. This chapter ends with a sudden exhortation in verse 22. In light of the judgment to come, what should our view of “man” be? Why?
10. Take a moment to reflect on the kind of kingdom described in Isaiah 2. How is this different than the “kingdoms of men” that we live in today?
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