About the show:
From Molli: Have you ever wondered why you’re here, what your purpose is, and where you’re going next? Ya know, the big, existential, down-the-rabbit-hole kinda questions that can be scary as hell?
My mom says I’ve been asking those question since I was 5 years old (yes, I know, an existential crisis at 5 — don’t worry, I’ve had about 3 more since then, we’ll get to those later).
Whether you were a spiritually inquisitive 5 year old, or are 30 and have yet to ask, living our most awesome lives begins when we start getting curious. What is our purpose? What brings us joy? How can we access it and share more of it?
We all have unique gifts and talents, and I believe they’re designed for two things:
1. To bring us joy and fulfillment
2. To positively impact the world around us
Whether you’re a nurse or a teacher; a florist or baker; an animal shelter owner or an artist, each of us have qualities and talents, and the way in which we access and share them is unique to our personality.
From my dancing career to launching a magazine to sharing my passion for wellness with family, friends and colleagues, my gifts have taken many forms over the years. As we evolve, so do our opportunities — but first, we need to check in with ourselves.
What comes naturally?
What brings you joy?
What makes you feel alive?
What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but have perhaps felt too scared to do it?
If money wasn’t an issue, what would you spend your time doing?
Asking the above is the first step in helping the answers bubble up to the surface — then it’s ALL ABOUT THE ACTION!
About Molli:
Molli is a Transformation Coach and SoulCycle Instructor living in San Francisco, California.
A former professional dancer, Molli helps others connect with music, their body and their life passions to help them feel strong, vibrant and alive.
Currently a SoulCycle instructor the Bay Area, Molli previously spent 6 years working in SF’s tech industry — spending time at both large companies and building startups — before she received some very strong signs — it was time to return to her rhythmic roots, share her passion for wellness, and help others discover the joy we all deserve to feel.
Molli aims to inspire others to connect with their purpose, to embrace the ride — on and off the bike! — and to truly discover what it means to LIVE YOUR MOST AWESOME LIFE.
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