Living In Your Mind - Victim | Uncertainty | Acts | Mind
Part 1 of 4 (Living as a Victim) When you operate your life from the point of view that you’re not in charge of yourself, you live as a victim to events and circumstances
Part 2 of 4 (Living in Uncertainty) When you operate your life from the point of view that you are a victim it creates uncertainty
Part 3 of 4 (Putting on Acts) When you operate your life from the point of view that you are uncertain you pretend
Part 4 of 4 (Living in your Mind)
Like a puzzle where all the pieces are exactly the same, you can piece life together any way you want, yes, you are that powerful
To make your life miserable
Or make your life amazing
You can justify your actions and behavior because in your mind you are always RIGHT. Have you noticed?
Most people are at odds with their “self”
This makes you defensive
You have to understand this main point. When you live in your mind you are always right, not right in terms of wrong, right in terms of being righteous!
You’ll defend to the end
When your mind is not connected to your heart, it’s VERY detrimental in a number of ways, not just mentally but also physically:
Emotional detachment. When you operate only from your mind, you can only intellectualize your emotions, rather than actually feel them.
Confusion and anxiety. When you're constantly thinking about the past or the future, it’s impossible to enjoy the amazing wonder of the present moment.
Loss of creativity and inspiration. When your head is not connected to your heart, it’s very difficult to access your creativity and inspiration.
Loss of meaning and purpose. When you don’t live in alignment with your heart, you struggle to find meaning and purpose in your life.
Can’t connect with other people. When you're constantly in your head, you’re always going to focus on your own thoughts and feelings rather than on the thoughts and feelings of people around you.
Super anxious and stressed. When you're constantly worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, you can’t relax and enjoy the pleasantness of the moment.
Regrets. When your mind is not connected with your heart, you make decisions based on logic (the intellect) or fear rather than on what you ideally want in life.
Disconnected from your true self. When you live in your head, you lose touch with your intuition and your inner wisdom.
Little joy and fulfillment. When you're constantly living in your head, you mostly focus on the negative parts of your life and the things that could go or are going wrong.
Isolation. When you're constantly thinking and analyzing, it’s so difficult to live life! The purpose for life is to live
Payoff / Ripoff
Intellect thinks you are your personality
Lower standards. When you live in your head, you make decisions based on logic and reason. This is helpful to make practical life decisions, BUT, when you lose your natural ability to think and your ability to reason, your personal standards go out the window. You allow yourself to do things that aren’t good for you.
Our 2 biggest obligation to ourselves in life are:
Create a healthy body
Create a healthy mind
When you go against your obligation to a healthy body and mind you’re just letting yourself slide
Everyone around you suffers including you
When you let yourself slide you feel bad
Do you want to feel bad or good
It’s up to you
Go for your ideal life
Clean up your mind language
Talk in the first person
Speak from your actual experience
Don’t make up stories
ask , don’t assume
Make mini - personal agreements to build self-trust
This will help you overcome all challenges in your life
Personal care
The most important thing you can do
Get a grip on your unhealthy habits
Make a LifePlan
On your own terms
No plan is a plan
A vague plan is better than no plan at all
Spend time in nature.
Practice meditation.
Watch your thoughts
Don’t judge them
Create your
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