The Summer 2023 issue of Rattle features a Tribute to NFT Poets. NFTs are non-fungible tokens, using a blockchain to make a permanent, collectible digital record of something—in this case poems. Turning poems into collectable art opens up many new opportunities for creating and sharing poetry, and offers an entirely new realm to explore for poets. Several of the dozen poets in the NFT feature will join to share their work and discuss their use of the technology.
Guest include: Katie Dozier, Pierre Gervois, Johnny Dean Mann, George Pastana, Justin Tagg, and Dick Westheimer.
Find the issue here:
As always, we'll also include live open lines for responses to our weekly prompt or any other poems you'd like to share. A Zoom link will be provided in the chat window during the show before that segment begins.
For links to all the past episodes, visit:
This Week’s Prompt:
Write an ode to an object in the room you’re in.
Next Week’s Prompt:
Write a mixed media poem of some kind. Use art or sound or some other medium combined with your poem.
The Rattlecast livestreams on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, then becomes an audio podcast. Find it on iTunes, Spotify, or anywhere else you get your podcasts.
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