Maureen Hunt, Early Years Consultant, talks to us about self-efficacy for under 5's. Angelica and Maureen discuss slowing down and making time for independence, and seeing children as capable and competent and allowing them to persevere and build confidence. They also consider anxiety in children, supporting a sense of self, encouraging feelings of pride and satisfaction, persisting during set backs and avoiding limiting beliefs.
Maureen and Angelica tap into:
- 00:50 - What is self-efficacy
- 01:30 - Performing certain tasks - is this too adult-led?
- 03:30 - Allowing children to struggle
- 06:30 - Seeing everything as a learning opportunity
- 07:00 - Anxiety in children
- 08:00 - Coping with challenges
- 09:00 - Preventing mental health issues through a good sense of self
- 10:00 - Working with families to support children's independance
- 12:30 - Sensitive ways of moving through frustration
- 13:50 - Praising for effort, not accomplishment
- 15:50 - Celebrating effort and small wins
- 18:00 - Developing resilience and the willingness to having a go
- 19:00 - Avoiding limiting beliefs: A key factor in poor mental health
- 20:10 - Exposing children to failure or encouraging to succeeed?
- 22:15 - Vygotsky: Scaffolding and the zone of proximal development
- 23:00 - Routines of the day becoming teachable moments
- 24:30 - Not comparing children to others, but focusing on their strengths
- 25:30 - Children need to have choices to have a sense of control over their lives
- 26:50 - Supporting self-efficacy from birth
Hear and read more on The Voice of Early Childhood website: