Today on the podcast we welcome Kendall Hagensen. Kendall is a mental health therapist and owner of Vancouver Wellness Studio, where she collaborates with an adjacent gym owner and fitness trainer at True Fit Personal Fitness. Her clinic is multidisciplinary, offering massage, acupuncture, nutrition, naturopathic medicine, yoga and movement, sauna, and esthetics.
“I have my top ten values of my work and my life pasted on the wall by my computer. I look at them every single day.”– Kendall Hagensen
Topics Covered Include
- How Josh and Kendall connected through office software.
- The pros and cons of having worked with a “collective” business model.
- How struggles with chronic illness can modify your business structure.
- Why individuals with chronic illness are drawn to work at Kendall’s clinic.
- How to avoid relationship challenges and build through collaboration.
- The surprising personality types that make great front desk staff.
- The benefits of having a multi-step interview process.
- Big red flags you need to notice when it comes to hiring.
- Who should make the final decision on hiring new staff members.
- Why you as the owner do not want to be the main economic driver of your business.
- Why it's necessary to align your actions with your values.
- How maintaining your integrity can positively affect your business.
- Why having extreme clarity for everyone's roles is so important.
- The biggest misconception when it comes to Standard Operating Procedures.
- What level of detail you should provide in your SOPs.
- The services Wellness Center Creators offers that can support your businesses growth.
Facebook Group: Clinic Gym Hybrid Discussion Group
Contact Kendall