We could all use a little head space.
(No, not the app)
This weeks solo episode focuses on the importance of finding head space, namely, the importance of giving ourselves time to relax and process things at a manageable pace rather than the endless stream of work we're used to in the working week.
The episode also includes:
(1:12) The importance of head space and how it helps with depression, and anxiety episodes in terms of anticipation, as you’re pre-emptively looking after your mental health and building resilience
(2:36) Meditation- the difficulty of non-guided meditation, how meditation music can help focus. How difficult it is to integrate into day-to-day living, especially if you get tired after morning meditation. The opposite with post-work meditation helping in unwinding.
(5:15) ‘Screen-free’ Sunday – spending time away from social media, emails and notifications. How difficult it is when considering the amount of things we use our phone for (timers, music, calling). It helps to remove distraction and interruption.
(6:54) How interruptions affect our head space, and how removing them can increase our focus and improve our wellbeing. We spend more time then focusing on tasks that need to be done.
(8:07) How email can be easily filtered down and not answered immediately, but they are one of the biggest causes of distraction. How our focus is affected by these distractions.
(11:34) ‘The Artist’s Way’, artist dates – doing something to nurture your creative brain (such as going to a museum or art gallery). How this promotes relaxation and conceiving new ideas
(14:04) The technology/mind comparison, and how we know to recharge/reboot our laptops when they are struggling with multiple tabs and programs.
(16:01) Don’t fill your diary with back to back meetings for your own benefit, giving yourself more time to think. Give yourself time to think and to truly feel how you want to when you have the time to do so.
(19:34) How having little pockets of social time with no particular purpose, is an acknowledgement that you need time to socialise and it’s a way to get peer support.
(22:46) How sometimes taking time away from others for yourself may be more beneficial, if your job isn’t isolated.
(23:52) The first hour that you wake up is when you’re most susceptible to outside influence, so doing things like picking up our phones immediately can negatively impact our entire morning. Having a ‘golden hour’ that positively sets the tone for the day.
(31:25) Summary
The Artist's Way -
Welcome to Dark Coffee, the podcast that starts engaging and approachable conversations around mental health.
Join wellbeing advocate Alice Lyons as she attempts to normalise the conversation around mental health, from suicide to satisfaction and everything in between.
Dark Coffee aims to create a safe space to explore dark topics with curiosity, compassion and courage to empower people to build their mental strength, resilience and sense of connection.
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Suicide and Emotional Support Organisations - UK
Samaritans: Confidential suicide discussion and emotional support. Free helpline available round the clock. Text - 116123. Call - 08457 909090 Email - jo@samaritans.org. Website - www.samaritans.org
Mind: Support and information for anyone suffering from a mental health issue. 0300 123 3393 We
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