Part of the Christian walk involves experiencing different churchmanships or styles. This might be by choice - for example, booking onto a Christian festival or looking for a new church after moving house. Or it may be by invitation - perhaps a family member is getting baptised, dedicated or confirmed, or there’s a wedding or funeral to attend.
How do we navigate these times with our children, ensuring that whether it’s been a largely positive or negative experience, it can still be of value within their faith journey?
Exploring this question with us today is Matt McChlery. Matt is a church leader, speaker, author, songwriter and host of the Christian Book Blurb podcast. He is married to Verity and the father of three children. Matt and his family live in the Fens.
- Explore Matt’s website:
- Listen to the Christian Book Blurb podcast:
- Check out Matt’s books:
- Check out PFF Halloween resources here:
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