The US breaks more records. Holograms praise people. Discount full body contact leopard encounter. Diamonds made from the sky. Black Plague remembrance day. Expensive asteroid. Caspian Sea Monster. Misplaced nuclear bombs. Lisbon's destruction in 1755. Jason makes significant advances in Flat Earth Theory. Tigers and a bear predict the upcoming presidential election outcome via watermelons.
General Recommendations
- JNM's Recommendation: The films of Neil Breen:
- In praise of Neil Breen, an auteur who finds new and exciting ways to be bad with every movie he makes by Leor Galil
- Why Fateful Findings Deserves Cult Status by Nathan Rabin
- Neil Breen's Pass-Thru reviewed by Nathan Rabin
- JD's Recommendation: Rat Queens
Further Reading, Viewing, Listening
- US coronavirus cases break global daily record, and experts warn it will only get worse
- Kim Kardashian's Hologram of Her Late Father Calls Kanye West "The Most, Most Most, Most, Most Genius Man in the Whole World"
- US man mauled by leopard after paying $150 for a 'full-contact experience'
- Asteroid believed to be worth $10,000 quadrillion observed through telescope
- Watch these zoo animals predict the US presidential election
- This entrepreneur says he's making diamonds 'from the sky'
- The 'Caspian Sea Monster' rises from the grave
- How captivity saved these animals from extinction
- The Lisbon Earthquake in 1755: natural disaster or God’s punishment?
Locationless Locations
- Heat Death of the Universe - @heatdeathpod
- JD Newland - @jdnewland
- Joshua Nomen-Mutatio - @ImbalancingAct
- Please send all Letters of Derision, Indifference, Inquiry, Mild Elation, et cetera to: - Every show-related link
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