St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is facing the fight of her political life after a man on house arrested seriously injured a 17-year-old girl. Republicans and Democrats are calling for her to resign, contending she has neglected her duties in office. Gardner has refused to step aside, adding that St. Louis' judges bare responsibility for what happened to Janae Edmondson. Attorney General Andrew Bailey subsequently filed what's known as a quo warranto motion aimed at ousting her from office. This is not unprecedented. Back in 2009, Joe Dandurand played a major role in then-Attorney General Chris Koster's efforts to remove Dent County Prosecutor Jessica Sparks from office. Dandurand also was a Cass County judge when the Missouri Supreme Court decided a landmark quo warranto case known as Fuchs v. Foote. Dandurand talked with STLPR's Jason Rosenbaum what the quo warranto process entails and why Gardner's fate could be hugely significant to the legal profession.
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