In the early 1950s, nestled in the serene landscape of New Zealand, a friendship began to blossom under unusual circumstances. Two teenagers, Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme, found solace in each other's company, their bond forged in the fires of shared adversity. Both struggled with ill health, a plight that isolated them from their peers and the carefree joys of teenage life. Their worlds, once lonely and fragmented, began to intertwine. Pauline and Juliet, in their isolation, became each other's lifeline. No other friends graced their inner circle; it was a duo against the world. This rapid and intense growth of their friendship was akin to a plot in a suspense novel, where every emotion is magnified, every bond a matter of life and death. And yes, that is foreshadowing. In fact, one of the girls, in a case of professional "bad taste," would grow up to be a famous murdery mystery novelist. Listen and find out who!
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