Today, we continue our series on the moral argument for theism. We discuss the Euthyphro dilemma, Hume’s Law, and explore a back-and-forth between William Lane Craig and Michael Huemer on the question, “Why obey God?”
Common Mistakes about the Moral Argument | Majesty of Reason
Majesty of Reason – Moral Arguments for God: An Analysis
Michael Huemer – Groundless Morals (this chapter is within the volume of Erik Wielenberg vs. William Lane Craig on the moral argument)
Metaethics w/ Michael Huemer | Emerson Green
Is God Necessary for Morality? | William Lane Craig & Shelly Kagan
Moral Objectivity Without God | Russ Shafer-Landau
Post-Debate Interview with Justin Schieber of Real Atheology