Achieving a balance between privacy of our own personal identifying information versus a legitimate need to access that same information is a difficult task. Don’t we each want to have all of our personal identifying details kept private? Of course we do! Conversely, if we were involved in a legal action, either civil or criminal, wouldn’t we want to be able to locate an individual who could provide information on our behalf? Consider if that person also has a common name name like John Jones or Robert Smith? How can that person be found? What about collecting a debt, finding a birth family or tracking down someone who has abducted a child? These are all important questions to contemplate.
Privacy Advocate Beth Givens, founder and director of Privacy Rights Clearing House, Co-Owner & publisher of PI Magazine Jimmie Mesis and Rebecca Roberts, National Marketing Director on IRB Search, a subscriber based on-line date provider will be joining together for this provocative discussion.
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