Episode 306 of the Seibertron.com Twincast / Podcast begins with a look at upcoming Transformers products, starting with the Canon crossover camera robots featuring Optimus Prime and Reflector. Upcoming Masterpiece toys get talked about next, with Diaclone-inspired Burnout starting things out before the conversation shifts to the redeco MPM Starscream and his tattoos from Revenge of the Fallen. Studio Series Voyager Ironhide causes a stir before a short look at leaked listings for more upcoming toys is discussed, as is tradition. Flame Toys has announced upcoming model kits of many more characters, including the bizarre and obscure Gilthor which has the cast pleased and puzzled. In-hand impressions of newly released figures follows, including a plethora of new toys including (but not limited to) Titan Cybertron Metroplex, Commander Motormaster, MPM Blackout, most of the Velocitron Speedia 500 lineup including Voyager Override and many more. The topic transitions into the recurring Bragging Rights segment to close out another episode.