In this heartwarming and humorous Christmas special of "Everyday Black Men," hosts Riker, Reed, the Rider, Sham, Armstead, and the Black Libertarian share their most cherished holiday memories and perspectives. The Black Libertarian playfully questions Armstead about his marriage plans while skillfully avoiding the same question himself, citing tradition and age. Armstead reflects on his childhood, revealing he doesn't have strong memories of celebrating Christmas, but vividly recalls engaging in snowball fights in Chicago. The Rider shares a bittersweet memory of how a single off-color remark once led to the cancellation of his Christmas, bringing a mix of laughter and empathy from the group. Sham delves into the unique dynamics of playing Wallball during the holiday season in Houston, while Riker lightens the mood with a joyful recollection of playing Dance Central during Christmas, illustrating the diverse ways the holiday is experienced and celebrated. The episode wraps up with more captivating stories, leaving listeners with a sense of the varied and rich holiday experiences within the African American community.
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