Bill entered the Navy and was recruited for the Navy Seals and eventually was medically discharged for Diabetes
After 3 hours of jumping jacks he was told "don't die on me it's too much paperwork"
In one scary moment, Bill thought he would die when he was in a street with enemies outnumbering them 3 to 1. Then they just walked away.
"Another time, I had a parachute that didn't open and I had to go to reserve...I always said I wanted to find the maker and kiss him".
When I into boot camp at 18 years old, they took away my Bible because it was too big.
"It became easy to share about God and Jesus because they were very responsive because they had no idea what would happen next"
Bill took advantage of "The Navigators", a list of Christians and Bible studies going on
Bill had a couple jobs after the military before applying to the Post Office, and found he had a hiring preference there due to his military background
He's been a city letter carrier (mailman) for 20 years. He really enjoys his job and his route. Most of his day is self governed.
"I've seen kids born and kids go off to college...I've seen houses burned down and tried to help"
"It's almost 100% assurety I get respect from the older customers...the people who would not respect me they treat other people the same way. That's how they go through life...I still respect them"
While at work, when he hears people going through something that's the time to reach out to them.
Sometimes people view the mailman as a safe person to talk to, which allows him to share his faith.
A great way to get someone's attention is to do something not expected, like taking someone's package and their mail to their door. It didn't cost him anything but it opens a door as a conversation starter.
"We as Christians should go beyond just what's needed to do"
Bill chose to open himself up to hearing from God and started receiving words for people.
"I think God just looks for the willing and the humble"
"I believe the Holy Spirit just started training me on how to listen and what to say".
"My nickname in high-school was Bible Bill"
He recommends listening to Steven Furtick because he's very relevant to this day and age
He also recommends T.D. Jakes
Bill's favorite scripture is the story in the book of Acts when Peter and John said to the beggar "silver and gold have I none, but what I do have rise up and walk in the name of Jesus". He had a similar situation like that happen to him. "I always wanted to be like that, to be ready at any moment if God was to ask me. That's where I get the boldness from to walk up to total strangers"
"If we're saved and we've got Jesus in our heart, then you have the ultimate source of all the knowledge in the entire universe and beyond inside you"
"You can't get more of God, because God is not fragmented. He needs more of you. It's what you are willing to open up to allow Him to use. People don't realize how many giftings they have inside them and what God wants to do as long as He's unrestricted in your life"
"Always be ready to share your story...There's only one of you in the entire known universe...If you are that unique then that makes you priceless and of beyond high value".
Powerful miracle story involving Ritz crackers and Bill in his bathing suit
"God can use anywhere and in any situation
To contact Bill email or text 336-561-1767