主播:翩翩(中国)+ Selah(美国)
Catch My Breath(开场)
外媒报道称:Blossoms Shanghai is Wong Kar-wai’s first dive into dramatic TV series production.
• It’s viral:爆火
• Blossoms Shanghai:《繁花》
• Wong Kar-wai:王家卫
• first dive:第一次潜水(首度尝试)
王家卫出生于上海:Shanghai is his birthplace.
外媒称《繁花》是王家卫对上海的致敬:It’s an homage to his birthplace Shanghai.
• birthplace: 出生地
• homage:致敬(h不发音)
上映以来,《繁花》获评褒贬不一: It has received mixed reviews.但是,王家卫的镜头充满了visual poetry(视觉上的诗意表达),把电视剧行业提升到全新的高度,被称作中国娱乐业的
game changer.
• mixed:混合的
• review:评价
1. 心可以热,但是头要冷。
Keep your heart warm but your head cool.
这句台词,是汪小姐创业前,她的师父金科长对她说,不要轻易相信别人的verbal promises(口头承诺),Analyze the pros and cons before making decisions(做决定前,要自己分析利弊),要够激情,但也要够理性。
2. “27号的汪小姐”跟“汪小姐”,是两桩事情。
”The Miss Wang on the 27th" and "Miss Wang" are two different matters.
27号,是汪小姐之前所在的外贸公司,是个大平台。因此,27号的汪小姐被很多人追捧。后来汪小姐从27号辞职,要自己创业招商,结果没人来,没人买她的帐(No one is buying what she's selling),尝尽世态炎凉。剧中的大佬爷叔用说:排骨是排骨,年糕是年糕。排骨年糕有个好价格,不代表年糕就值这个价。
排骨年糕的套餐(the combo) 有个好价格, the combo comes with a good price,但并不代表the rice cake is worth the same。
3. 一个男人应该有多少钱包?三只。
A man should have 3 wallets, the first one is how much cash you actually have;
the second one is your credit; how much you can leverage from what's in others' wallets;the third one is how much others think you have.”
4. 哪里有这么多真的假的,眼前能看得见的都是真的,走掉的都是假的。
Who’s got time for all this real or fake drama? What's in front of your eyes is real; what's walked away is fake.
夜东京的老板娘玲子在受到情伤之后的领悟:Who’s got time for all this real or fake drama?
英文中,drama是指“戏”,Who’s got time for all this drama 哪来这么多戏?美国主播Selah的翻译很准确地传递了玲子的角色神韵。
5. 目标从来就不遥远,一步步,一天天。只管全力以赴,剩下的交给时间。
The goal has never been too far away, step by step, day by day. Just give it your all, and leave the rest to time.
就像是英文中常说的: trust the process.相信过程,但行好事。
路虽远,行则将至。 step by step一步步, day by day一天天, 全力以赴。
6. 一支队伍,有人看脚底下,有人看前面。
In a team, some focus on their own steps, while others keep an eye on the road ahead.
这句台词虽然短,但是却讲明白了人类“合群”的意义(the point of fitting in):
所以, while in a team, you need to fit-in。合群做事时,要多动脑、多动手,少动心。万众一心,才是一支好队伍。
7. 男男女女这点事,讲起来都是老法师,真到自己身上全是小学生,年年留级,永远拿不到毕业证书。
When it comes to relationships, everyone talks like they're experts. But in reality, we're all just rookies. Repeating the same mistakes, never graduating from the school of love.
男女关系,在英语中统一称作 relationship。
• experts:专家,老法师
• rookie:新手,菜鸟
It’s like holding a torch, walking against the wind.
8. 做生意先要学会两个字:不响。
In business, you gotta learn two words: hush-hush.
有人说:真正想做的事,连神明都不要说(for real goals, don't even mention them to the gods.)
上海话说“不响”,安静地做 Just go do your thing quietly,,成功了再说and when you've nailed it, then you can talk about it.
9. 能说服一个人的,从来不是道理而是南墙。
The convincing stuff is never the logic, it's always the hard reality.
• logic: 逻辑,道理
• convincing:有说服力的
• the hard reality: 残酷的现实(南墙)
10. 人人心里都有杆秤,什么时候可以同富贵,什么时候可以共患难,心里多少都是有数的。
Everyone’s got a scale in their heart–knowing when to share the good times, when to weather the storms. It's all pretty clear to them.
以上呢,就是电视剧《繁花》中的10句台词,哪一句最入你心呢? 欢迎留言讨论!
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