Julia has been listening to Startup School from Y Combinator and Andreas has been wrapping up as application deadlines for the programs approach - this Sunday (Jan 28, 2024).
They end up speaking about how to apply to the SSE Business Lab programs, what to do right to increase the chances of being admitted and how to answer questions from the Board of Admissions at the pitch. This is an episode that gives you an unfair advantage of how to get into the Activate and Incubate programs at SSE Business Lab.
Alumni company of the week: Tidings
Other resources mentioned:
How to apply to SSE Business Lab: https://ssebl.com/apply
Pitch deck templates: Activate - https://[ssebl.com/deck-activate](http://ssebl.com/deck-activate) and Incubate - https://ssebl.com/deck-incubate
Program info: Activate - https://ssebl.com/activate and Incubate - https://ssebl.com/incubate
Hosted by Julia Delin & Andreas Johansson
Edited by Victor Ganguly
Responsible publisher: Lars Strannegård