In the June 2015 issue of National Geographic Magazine a marijuana plant is on its cover and the feature article is all about marijuana and how science seeks to unlock marijuana’s secrets. This is not the only media lately to feature this controversial plant. It is in the news everywhere these days. So, what do we really know about it? We know that there is a big push to legalize it for medicinal purposes. There is also a push to legalize the recreational use of it. So what really is the controversy? And, is the subject of how to categorize it really related to more people just wanting to smoke more pot or is this issue not related to that at all?
This week Denise revisits an interview done more than halfway into Colorado’s first year of marijuana legalization. In the interview she speaks with Stephen Downing, a retired Deputy Chief of Police in Los Angeles, now a spokesperson for LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition on this topic.
Do we really understand the War on Drugs? Let’s see if we can get some answers here.
Be sure to download Denise’s free e-book (titled Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101) for more resources, information, and support at her website.
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