An conversation with Geert Bevin (@gbevin) about:
Yamaha DX7 - Geerts first synthesizer,
Classic Minimoog analog synthesizer by Bob Moog,
First synthesizer was a Yamaha DX7 successor,
Early music production using Amiga computer and MIDI,
iOS and macOS development with focus on audio DSP and synthesis,
Returning to Java development after years away,
high productivity with Java,
New Java release cadence and experimental features,
Rife web framework and bidirectional template engine,
BLD build tool and philosophy,
Kotlin Multiplatform capabilities,
SwiftUI DX compared to Java and IntelliJ,
Moog Music website,
Jean Michel Jarre,
Geert personal website,
Rife 2 GitHub project,
Bld GitHub project
Geert Bevin on twitter: @gbevin