You move to a 95%-White county then the Jew-dominated federal government makes sure that your county gets “diversified” by conspiring w greedy capitalists and corrupt local officials to build what is called “low income housing” right on your doorstep. Even though your county is literally filled w low-income White families victims of Rust Belt devastation caused by Wall-Street-Jew-promoted “free trade” policies, fractional reserve banking and other so-called fiat money scams instead of offering those subsidized apartments to struggling White families & elderly, they literally advertise in “the hood” the very worst Congoid Hellscapes 300 miles away to encourage them to move to your town where “public housing opportunities” now abound, and the apartments instead get converted into literal breeding colonies for Congoids, various shades of Brown invaders, Mestizos, Mulattoes, and every possible combination
Best way is to donate to the National Alliance send your letters of support along w checks, well-concealed cash, or m.o. to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683 G: KevinStrom
Support Resolution RADIO. Every $ helps us upgrade
Check, M.O. to Sonny Thomas or well concealed cash to P.O. Box 27 Springboro, Ohio 45066
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