NLPI MIDWEEK PARANORMAL - Introducing Paula Westbrooke NLPI RADIO'S lastest Presenter.
Tonights show is about Paranormal Gossip and an Introduction to our newest NLPI RADIO Presenter.
Presented by
Mckey Gocool Founder of North London Paranormal Investigations in London UK
Paula Westbrooke founder of the Delta Paranormal Project in Mississippi.
Paula is originally from Shreveport, Louisiana. Now resides in Picayune, Mississippi with her husband and her teenage son. Paula has a background in medical sciences. She has been in the Paranormal Research field since 1985. Paula is the former founder of Southern Paranormal and Anomaly Research Society (SPARS), which was originally based in South Carolina. SPARS became one of the first TAPS family members in 2006. After relocating to Mississippi, Paula miraculously expanded her group to Mississippi, Florida, Arizona, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. Paula has been featured on BIO and A&E's "My Ghost Story",as well as Walt Grayson's "Walk around Mississippi". Paula, along with her co-founders, are the organizers of an annual Paranormal and Metaphysical event in Mississippi called the "Delta Paranormal Project". This is a fundraiser that is completely dedicated to a multitude of children's and local charities chosen by the group each year.
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