Welcome to the Instant Trivia podcast episode 1126, where we ask the best trivia on the Internet.
Round 1. Category: Going For Ward. With Ward in quotation marks
- 1: Former name for what we today call a flight attendant.
- a stewardess.
- 2: All the clothes belonging to you, or a tall piece of furniture to put them all in.
- a wardrobe.
- 3: Michael S. Evans holds this top administrative position at Folsom Prison.
- warden.
- 4: It precedes "Christian Soldiers" in a 19th century hymn.
- "Onward".
- 5: "Cavalcade" and "Conversation Piece" are 2 of his most popular plays.
- Noël Coward.
Round 2. Category: Old Testament Heroes
- 1: When presented with this son's bloodstained coat, Jacob assumed that "an evil beast hath devoured him".
- Joseph.
- 2: This man said, "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman".
- Adam.
- 3: This prophet "prayed unto the Lord his god out of the fish's belly".
- Jonah.
- 4: When he came to present the Israelites with the tablets of the law, they were dancing around a golden calf.
- Moses.
- 5: Because of the many psalms he wrote, this king was called "The Sweet Psalmist of Israel".
- David.
Round 3. Category: Sounds Serious
- 1: Alcohol and spicy foods can cause pyrosis, better known as this painful sensation.
- heartburn.
- 2: Cutis anserina is nothing to worry about; it's just this "fowl" reaction to cold or fear.
- goose bumps.
- 3: If you have pollinosis, you have this seasonal allergy and not necessarily to the crop in its name.
- hay fever.
- 4: Diplopia is what doctors call this, also the title of a Foreigner hit.
- double vision.
- 5: Runners know medial tibial stress syndrome better by this 2-word name; ice may help.
- shin splints.
Round 4. Category: Legendary Creatures
- 1: It's a multiheaded sea serpent in Psalms and the title of a masterwork of political philosophy by Thomas Hobbes.
- Leviathan.
- 2: In heraldry a dragon is often depicted sticking this barbed feature out of its mouth; how rude.
- its tongue.
- 3: The hideous basilisk can be killed by showing it this, something a vampire can't see.
- its reflection in the mirror.
- 4: In ancient China they came in different colors, and yellow ones were superior.
- dragons.
- 5: After going to a lot of trouble building a nest of fragrant boughs and spices, the Phoenix does this to it.
- burns it.
Round 5. Category: Broadway Musicals By Setting
- 1: In and around the royal palace in Bangkok in the 1860s.
- The King and I.
- 2: The land of Oz, before and after Dorothy dropped in.
- Wicked.
- 3: A junkyard on the night of the Jellicle Ball.
- Cats.
- 4: The small village of Anatevka in Russia.
- Fiddler on the Roof.
- 5: Mushnik's skid row florists.
- Little Shop of Horrors.
Thanks for listening! Come back tomorrow for more exciting trivia!
Special thanks to https://blog.feedspot.com/trivia_podcasts/
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