Jamie Parke has 3 major top 8s, including Worlds 1999, Worlds 2008 and PT ATL 2014. He also has 4 GP Top 8s and as you can tell by the dates is one of a very small group of players with a top 8 in 3 different decades. He currently lives in Philadelphia and trades equity options.
First Set
Favorite Set
Tempest block (for its Limited game play)
Favorite Card
Ancestral Recall
What makes Magic fun for you?
The challenge of competing at the highest levels.
Early Challenge
Finding people who wanted to play as much as Jamie did was an early challenge for him.
Level Up Moment
Magic is a game of probabilities. Identifying that there is a correct play based on probability and realizing that you could make the correct play and still lose helped Jamie improve early on. It helped him let go of unnecessary pressure.
Best Format
It's so easy to throw together a draft where all people have to do is invest 3 hours of their time.
Current Standard Deck
Hangarback Abzan
Biggest Mistake Players Make
1) Don't go to a big tournament too early.
Play during the week. Play at FNM. Participate in online trainings like LSVs "What's the play?"
2) Don't give away too much imformation.
Hold cards in hand you don't need to play so your opponent knows as little as possible.
Connect With Jamie
Twitter: @JamieParke
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