Noe (according to S. Jerome to his interpretations of
Hebrew words signifieth as much as resting o[rch]fying of a
man's selfe; and he was the sonne of Lamech; which signi-
fieth humilitie. This Noe by the descriptions of [vlet] writers
was taken in those daies to be a [Giafizin] respect of his ex-
traordinarie stature, prop[oseion]; and corpulence and he
was about [xx] age (as Moyses also in the sixt chapter of
Genesis affirmeth of [five] hundred years when he begat
of his [... an hour's study might get this one]
first sonnes; Sems which [? pleased?, signifies ?ous o-]
therwise called [Melchesidech these to herth bugte-]
Berosus affirme him to bee the [younon] which signifies
[subtilrie] or [raft:] and Japhet, which signifies [serme or]
[frotdome - the rest of the line unlegible]
lived in a citie called Enos, which was the first citie in the
world, and was built by Cain the sonne of Adam, at the
foot of the mountaine Libanus in the land of Syria, and
in the particular province of Phoenicia, not far from the
famous citie of Ierusalem, situated in the holy land.
In this citie of Enos, and in many others thereabouts,
inhabited and lived many most deformed, fierce, and ter-
rible giants, who by reason of their unmatchable strength
and indomitable powerfulnesse, ruled and overswaied all
those people thereabouts at their pleasure, committing
many odious and ungodly deeds, and living a most disso-
lute and vicious life, engorging their luxurious appetites
with surfets of adulterie and libidinous conversation, as
void of shame, the law of nature, and the feare of God.
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