Over the past couple weeks I have been involved in a heated debate with a group of Satanists over the context of one of my videos, Ancient Aliens - The Satanic Conspiracy. They have been trying to imply that the elitists of the world created Christianity as a way to control and manipulate the masses in order to prevent people from exploring or realizing their own godlike abilities. They also claim that Jesus Christ, Yahushuaha, the Son Of God never even existed. They also accept that the fallen angels are the ancient elder gods who created humanity as a slave race to do their bidding.
The whole conversation reminded me of a passage from the apocryphal text, The Wisdom of Solomon and so I thought I would revisit that passage with a focus on chapter five, in order to share with you the context of that discussion, since it is a perfect example of the mindset that many have accepted in becoming engrossed in the strong delusion warned about in the bible. More and more we see this mindset being reinforced by the powers that be, to lead seekers astray and reassert the ancient lie that Satan told to the rebel angels as well as our ancestors, that we can be gods ourselves. In the very least this will serve as a very interesting discussion.
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