Tom's Book Forecasted Mubarak’s removal from power Around the year 2010 and forecasts other tumultuous changes.
Author Tom Payne definitively proves that history conforms to Biblical time patterns in his book, The Template of Time: Our Destiny Decoded. Supporting this conclusion is the way over 2,000 years of history follows this time pattern. Additionally, the toughest test of a theory is whether or not the future outcomes it points to are realized. This test is now being met.
In the template one simply extends time-cycles from the three momentous dates of Jesus’ life – His birth in 6 B.C., His baptism in 26 A.D., and His death in 30 A.D. History then unfolds on cycles extending from these dates. For example, the 1,000-year time-cycle would produce a historical movement that roughly conformed to the following dates: 994 AD, 1026 AD and 1030 AD (allowing for a standard deviation of 1-3 years).
This pattern of dates is called an INC sequence because when a time-cycle is extended from Jesus’ birth year a historical process is initiated, or a person is born. That historical process or person is then transformed, or moves in a new direction, around thirty-two years later when the time cycle is extended from the year of His baptism. This transformative new direction grows until it achieves its culmination around four years later when the time-cycle is extended from the year of His crucifixion.
Tom will join us to discuss his book and forecast from his template events forthcoming.
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