Join us for the story behind the story of Invisible Threat, the film currently promoted by Every Child By Two (ECBT). The “student film” was directed and produced by adults -- not students. ECBT has received millions in funding from pharmaceutical companies. CBS reported on ECBT's ties to the vaccine industry in How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders? Teri’s guests, autism expert and pediatrician Dr. Shawn K. Centers and autism parent Lisa Megyesi, describe the trickery used related to their participation in the film. Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, joins the conversation, as well as Robert Krakow, JD, an attorney who represents people with vaccine injury. David Christopher, MH, an internationally known herbalist and natural healing expert, who is the son of Dr. John R. Christopher (America’s most famous herbalist), is an expert in the need for immunization vs. vaccination also participating in this program. Tune in and learn more!
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