#64 「飲み会」または「宴会」文化は日本の一般的な文化であり、大学から会社、友達から町の人など、様々な場面で行われます。そんな中、行きたくなくても参加せざるを得ない場面もあります。今回は、その独特な「飲み会」文化にフィーチャーしました!
The culture of "Nomi-kai" or "En-kai" is really common in Japan, and people from universities to companies, friends to neighbors participate in it. However, sometime we feel uncomfortable or compelled to participate. We will talk about this unique "Nomikai" culture in Japan in this episode!
Email: ernestnaoya1994@gmail.com
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Naoya's Instagram: @japanese_teacher_n
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