We know we're supposed to worship, but sometimes we struggle. Well, today we work through Psalm 100 (and even some earlier psalms) to see how we can join in the worship of our wonderful Lord!
1. Look at your Bible just below where it says, “Psalm 100”. What do the non-italic words say? What does this tell us about the practical role this psalm might have in our walk with the Lord?
2. What did the podcast say about the context of this psalm, specifically Psalms 93 to 100?
3. Why is worship a critical spiritual discipline in the Christian life? What kinds of things ought we worship God for? How “good” are you at worship?
4. Where do we see people worshipping the Lord in the Bible? What are some of the reasons they worship Him? What example of worship are you setting for those around you?
5. In John 4:23, what did Jesus say the Father seeks? Are you fulfilling what He is seeking? Why or why not?
6. In verse 1, what are some things that we can joyfully and triumphantly celebrate about the Lord?
7. In verse 2, what is the connection between worship of the Lord and service to Him? How are we to serve the Lord, specifically, in verse 2?
8. In verse 3, why is knowledge and truth about God so vital to true worship? What are some truths about the Lord given in verse 3?
9. The podcast mentioned Ps 95:6. According to that verse, what is the posture of the worshipper? What value might these postures have in our worship? Do you ever worship the Lord this way? Why or why not?
10. Back in Psalm 100:3, the psalmist compares us to sheep. What similarities are there between us and sheep? Why is it helpful to recognize these similarities?
11. In verse 4, what public places should we be thanking and praising the Lord? Have you ever publicly thanked God? If so, what for? If not, why not?
12. The final verse of Psalm 100 reminds us of God’s goodness and lovingkindness. Why can all people thank God for these blessings?
13. The podcast mentioned that true worship involves submission to the Lord. Why is submission necessary for true worship? In what ways is your submission to the Lord manifested in worship?
14. The podcast also mentioned that true worship involves knowing God rightly. Why is a correct understanding of the Lord vital to true worship? Can we worship Him rightly if we’re wrong in what we’re praising Him for?
15. As you reflect on this psalm, how about taking some time to privately worship and thank the Lord? Likewise, how about asking the Lord to give you an opportunity today to give Him public worship and thanks?
Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!
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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.
Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.
Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.
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