Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Time Travel at Borobudur: Experiencing History Through Holograms
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Story Transcript:
Id: Pagi itu sangat cerah.
En: That morning was very bright.
Id: Di kaki Gunung Menoreh, Putri, Andi, dan Rizal berjalan menuju Candi Borobudur.
En: At the foot of Mount Menoreh, Putri, Andi, and Rizal walked towards Borobudur Temple.
Id: Mereka sangat bersemangat.
En: They were very excited.
Id: Mereka mendengar kabar bahwa ada teknologi baru di candi itu.
En: They had heard that there was new technology at the temple.
Id: Teknologi ini bisa membuat sejarah hidup kembali.
En: This technology could bring history back to life.
Id: Sesampainya di sana, mereka melihat alat-alat holografis dipasang di sekitar candi.
En: Upon arriving there, they saw holographic equipment installed around the temple.
Id: Putri mendekati salah satu alat tersebut.
En: Putri approached one of the devices.
Id: "Wow, ini benar-benar keren!
En: "Wow, this is really cool!"
Id: " katanya.
En: she said.
Id: Andi dan Rizal setuju.
En: Andi and Rizal agreed.
Id: Mereka penasaran bagaimana alat itu bekerja.
En: They were curious about how the device worked.
Id: Mereka memasuki area candi.
En: They entered the temple area.
Id: Di sana, petugas memberi mereka kacamata khusus untuk melihat hologram.
En: There, an attendant gave them special glasses to view the holograms.
Id: "Cobalah ini," kata petugas.
En: "Try these," said the attendant.
Id: Putri memakai kacamata itu dan tiba-tiba, dia merasa seperti berada di masa lalu.
En: Putri put on the glasses and suddenly, she felt like she was in the past.
Id: Dia melihat para pekerja membangun candi.
En: She saw workers building the temple.
Id: Mereka mengangkat batu-batu besar dengan susah payah.
En: They were lifting huge stones with great effort.
Id: Andi dan Rizal juga ikut melihat.
En: Andi and Rizal looked as well.
Id: Mereka tampak kagum.
En: They seemed amazed.
Id: "Sungguh menakjubkan!
En: "This is incredible!"
Id: " kata Rizal.
En: said Rizal.
Id: "Aku merasa seperti benar-benar ada di sana.
En: "I feel like I'm really there."
Id: "Tiba-tiba, mereka melihat seorang pria tua datang.
En: Suddenly, they saw an old man coming towards them.
Id: Pria itu adalah hologram.
En: The man was a hologram.
Id: Pria itu berkata, "Selamat datang di Borobudur.
En: He said, "Welcome to Borobudur.
Id: Saya adalah arsitek yang merancang candi ini.
En: I am the architect who designed this temple.
Id: Mari saya ceritakan sejarahnya.
En: Let me tell you its history."
Id: "Mereka duduk dan mendengarkan.
En: They sat and listened.
Id: Pria itu menceritakan bagaimana candi ini dibangun pada abad ke-8 oleh dinasti Syailendra.
En: The man narrated how the temple was built in the 8th century by the Syailendra dynasty.
Id: Ribuan pekerja bekerja siang malam.
En: Thousands of workers worked day and night.
Id: Mereka membawa batu dari gunung terdekat.
En: They brought stones from a nearby mountain.
Id: Setiap ukiran di candi memiliki makna khusus.
En: Every carving on the temple had special meaning.
Id: Andi bertanya, "Bagaimana mungkin mereka bisa membuat candi yang begitu besar dan indah tanpa teknologi modern?
En: Andi asked, "How could they build such a large and beautiful temple without modern technology?"
Id: "Pria tua itu menjawab, "Dengan kesabaran dan dedikasi.
En: The old man replied, "With patience and dedication.
Id: Kami fokus pada detail dan bekerja sama sebagai sebuah tim.
En: We focused on details and worked together as a team."
Id: "Putri, Andi, dan Rizal merasa kagum.
En: Putri, Andi, and Rizal felt awe-inspired.
Id: Mereka merasa lebih memahami sejarah Borobudur.
En: They felt a deeper understanding of Borobudur's history.
Id: Teknologi holografis ini benar-benar membuat mereka merasa seperti berada di masa lalu.
En: This holographic technology truly made them feel as if they were in the past.
Id: Waktu berlalu cepat.
En: Time passed quickly.
Id: Mereka harus kembali.
En: They had to return.
Id: Sebelum pergi, mereka berterima kasih kepada petugas.
En: Before leaving, they thanked the attendant.
Id: "Terima kasih untuk pengalaman ini.
En: "Thank you for this experience.
Id: Kami tidak akan pernah melupakannya," kata Putri.
En: We will never forget it," said Putri.
Id: Petugas tersenyum.
En: The attendant smiled.
Id: "Kami senang kalian menikmatinya.
En: "We're glad you enjoyed it.
Id: Sampai jumpa lagi.
En: See you again."
Id: "Mereka berjalan pulang dengan hati yang penuh.
En: They walked home with full hearts.
Id: Mereka merasa telah belajar banyak.
En: They felt they had learned a lot.
Id: Mereka tak sabar untuk menceritakan pengalaman ini kepada teman-teman di sekolah.
En: They could not wait to share this experience with their friends at school.
Id: Teknologi di Borobudur telah membuat sejarah lebih hidup dan mengesankan.
En: The technology at Borobudur had made history more alive and impressive.
Id: Dengan senyuman di wajah, mereka meninggalkan candi, membawa kenangan yang tak terlupakan.
En: With smiles on their faces, they left the temple, carrying unforgettable memories.
Vocabulary Words:
- bright: cerah
- foot: kaki
- mountain: gunung
- temple: candi
- excited: bersemangat
- technology: teknologi
- install: pasang
- approach: mendekati
- device: alat
- curious: penasaran
- equipment: alat-alat
- attendant: petugas
- hologram: hologram
- architect: arsitek
- dynasty: dinasti
- worker: pekerja
- meaning: makna
- huge: besar
- effort: susah payah
- narrate: menceritakan
- lift: mengangkat
- patience: kesabaran
- dedication: dedikasi
- detail: detail
- awe-inspired: kagum
- understanding: memahami
- experience: pengalaman
- heart: hati
- leave: meninggalkan
- memories: kenangan