Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Once, Mawlana Shaykh Nazimق visited Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus and beheld a profound example of having a light source in darkness.
Mawlanaق, teaching us to take lessons in everything, was watching a christian priest ushering the members of the parish, holding in his hand a lit candle. As the people approached the priest before entering the church, he lit their candles with the candle he held. One single candle, lighting hundreds of other candles as they approached him.
Like the hundreds of unlit candles, most of mankind live in complete darkness, unable to see the reality and purpose of life in these times of seemingly endless tyranny and oppression (dzhulum).
Mureeds in the Naqshbandi Aliyyah Way are blessed ones who have that single lit candle, our Murshid, igniting our candles, guiding us through these times of darkness and giving us light.
As we travel about in daily life, we too then become a source of light for those still in darkness. However, beware that the flames on the wicker can burn out.
Constant istighfar (repentance), beseeching in Allahﷻ for steadfastness and progress in this Way, is the means for one to keep the flames alive.
In these end times, it is said that many believers will fall in and out of belief within hours of the same day. They plunge into the traps of the ego and shaitan, tricking them into doing bad deeds, extinguishing the light they carried.
There are only a handful of truly Lighted Ones. Hence, we must strive to keep the Light Mawlanaق ignited in us with understanding the Reality of Life.
‘Allahu Haqq’, ‘Allah is Reality’ is written in the middle of the Naqshbandi Taweez. Muslims today try hard to understand the Reality of God with the limited Mind and deny the unlimited realm of the Heart, the only place that can become a Divine Sanctuary of The Lord, to perceive this holy knowledge.
As the mind has limitations, such people then become blind to Reality and enter into darkness, misleading themselves and others into ‘extremism’, disrespect for authentic teachings of Islam and develop a fake sense of humility.
True humility and the understanding of Reality however does not come in an instance, but through the University of Life.
When on campus, one takes lessons from the experienced Professors and learns how to progress. Similarly, all that a person experiences in daily life are indeed lessons to perfect the vision of Reality, to understand what is beyond all of creation.
Our Benevolent Lord, Almighty Allahﷻ, is the Reality in all matters.
‘HasbunAllah’, ‘You Are enough for me [O’ Allah].’ This is the reality that is being slowly taught to each of us every day, through the experiential Lessons of Life.
Everything that happened, is happening and will happen, is in reality already written by Allah’sﷻ Almighty Pen and The Ink has dried. Having absolute Faith, ‘Ya’tiyakal Yaqin’, is the goal.
وَٱعْبُدْ رَبَّكَ حَتَّىٰ يَأْتِيَكَ ٱلْيَقِينُ
‘And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty.’ - Surah Al-Hijr : Verse 99
The certainty of life is death and to understand certainty before death arrives, one must persevere, remain calm and patient in every adversity knowing that in reality, everything we own, our provisions, life and death is in the Loving Hands of Allahﷻ.
We strive to work for our livelihood but our hearts must remain at peace no matter the circumstance.
“... O son of Adam do not fear tightened sustenance. As long as My Storehouses are full, and My Storehouses are never empty.
O son of Adam I created you to worship Me, so don’t play. I have already set your share of sustenance, so don’t make yourself tired [with worrying about your provisions].
O son of Adam, I created the seven heavens and earth effortlessly, so would it trouble Me to simply send a loaf of bread your way?
O son of Adam, do not ask Me of tomorrow’s sustenance, just like I have not asked you for tomorrow’s deeds.
O son of Adam, I love you. So by my right over you, love me.” - Hadith Qudsi
May Allahﷻ Grant us a heart of Certainty and the understanding of Reality, becoming true believers before our return to Himﷻ.
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