Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
In the Naqshbandi daily Awrad, we recite the following do’a,
اللَّهُمَّ أَجِرْنَا مِنَ النَّار
O’ Allah, Save us from the Fire.
Like the do’a of Sayyidina Dawud Alayhi Salam, “ O Allah, Grant me Your love and the love of those who love You and the deeds that will bring me to Your Love,” (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3490), we recite it to ask for Safety and Acceptance of Allah Almighty. However, GrandShaykhق dislikes that mureeds should only pay lip service to the do’a without doing any deeds to attain it.
In order for one to reach the Divine Pleasure of Allahﷻ, one must go on a process that requires great effort, sacrifice and commitment, a Tariqah (Way), sitting by the feet of a beloved Friend of Allah who can guide one to perform endless openings of good deeds that will eventually lead to Allah’sﷻ Love.
The Naqshbandi Aliyyah Way is guidance through Sohbah, the exact way Prophetﷺ spread hisﷺ Message to the Sahabah (companions).
With every Sohbah, Allahﷻ Opens endless doors for one to improve one’s character and guidance is planted in the hearts of those listening with sincerity to be drawn towards service for the Ummah of The Belovedﷺ. Grassroot support is most important, where one lives a life bringing benefit to others and not just to one’s self.
Work hard and strive to perform good deeds as every action of a sincere believer is valued as an ‘ibadah (worshipping). Never underestimate the value of even the littlest good deed, like giving water to a fly, when the intention is solely for the Love and Pleasure of Allahﷻ and His Belovedﷺ.
Aspiring mureeds must not be lazy to work and do good deeds, hoping only for a miracle to descend upon them. Although Allahﷻ has shown the rare miracle that did occur in high ranking Saints before, most people need to strive and work hard to attain the Pleasure of Allah Almighty.
Strive to avoid even the smallest of bad deeds, like lying in a joke and keep busy with the endless possibilities of good deeds mentioned in the Sunnah. When death arrives, we will finally find rest from the toils, trials and difficulties of this dunya.
May Allah Grant us the gift of performing good deeds and the ability to perform them for the sake of His Belovedﷺ and for Hisﷻ Pleasure alone.
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