Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Magical Moments: Celebrating Vesak Day at Borobudur Temple
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Story Transcript:
Id: Matahari terbit di balik puncak Borobudur.
En: The sun rises behind the peak of Borobudur.
Id: Cahayanya hangat.
En: Its light is warm.
Id: Adi dan Putri sudah berada di sana sejak pagi.
En: Adi and Putri have been there since morning.
Id: Mereka sedang menyiapkan perayaan Hari Waisak.
En: They are preparing for the Vesak Day celebration.
Id: "Putri, apakah bunga teratai sudah siap?
En: "Putri, are the lotus flowers ready?"
Id: " tanya Adi.
En: Adi asked.
Id: "Sudah, Kak Adi.
En: "Yes, Brother Adi.
Id: Aku juga sudah menyiapkan lilin," jawab Putri sambil tersenyum.
En: I’ve also prepared the candles," Putri answered with a smile.
Id: Hari Waisak sangat penting bagi umat Buddha.
En: Vesak Day is very important for Buddhists.
Id: Mereka merayakan kelahiran, penerangan sempurna, dan wafat Sang Buddha.
En: They celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and passing of the Buddha.
Id: Adi dan Putri sangat antusias membantu persiapan ini.
En: Adi and Putri are very enthusiastic about helping with these preparations.
Id: "Putri, kita harus memastikan candi bersih," kata Adi.
En: "Putri, we need to ensure the temple is clean," Adi said.
Id: Mereka mulai membersihkan halaman candi.
En: They started cleaning the temple grounds.
Id: Putri menyapu daun-daun kering.
En: Putri swept the dry leaves.
Id: Adi membersihkan patung-patung Buddha.
En: Adi cleaned the Buddha statues.
Id: Menjelang siang, umat mulai berdatangan.
En: Towards noon, people began to arrive.
Id: Semua orang mengenakan pakaian putih.
En: Everyone wore white clothing.
Id: Mereka membawa bunga dan dupa.
En: They brought flowers and incense.
Id: Adi dan Putri masih sibuk memastikan semua berjalan lancar.
En: Adi and Putri were still busy ensuring everything ran smoothly.
Id: "Saya harap semuanya berjalan sempurna," kata Adi sambil mengelap keringatnya.
En: "I hope everything goes perfectly," Adi said while wiping his sweat.
Id: Tak lama kemudian, suara gong mulai terdengar.
En: Soon, the sound of a gong began to echo.
Id: Para biksu dan umat berkumpul di satu titik.
En: The monks and devotees gathered at one point.
Id: Mereka berdoa dengan khusyuk.
En: They prayed solemnly.
Id: Putri memandang kagum.
En: Putri looked on in awe.
Id: "Indah sekali, Kak.
En: "It's so beautiful, Brother.
Id: Semua orang bahagia," katanya.
En: Everyone is happy," she said.
Id: Adi tersenyum puas.
En: Adi smiled in satisfaction.
Id: "Ini semua berkat kerja keras kita, Putri.
En: "This is all thanks to our hard work, Putri."
Id: "Setelah doa, langit mulai gelap.
En: After the prayers, the sky began to darken.
Id: Mereka menyalakan lilin.
En: They lit the candles.
Id: Cahayanya menerangi Borobudur.
En: Their light illuminated Borobudur.
Id: Suara doa dan nyanyian mengisi udara.
En: The sound of prayers and chants filled the air.
Id: Putri dan Adi merasa bangga bisa menjadi bagian dari momen ini.
En: Putri and Adi felt proud to be part of this moment.
Id: Akhirnya, prosesi melarung lampion ke langit dimulai.
En: Finally, the procession of releasing lanterns into the sky began.
Id: Puluhan lampion terbang tinggi.
En: Dozens of lanterns soared high.
Id: Umat melihat dengan haru.
En: The devotees watched with emotion.
Id: Putri memegang tangan Adi.
En: Putri held Adi's hand.
Id: "Kak, kita lakukan ini setiap tahun, ya?
En: "Brother, let’s do this every year, okay?"
Id: " pintanya.
En: she requested.
Id: "Tentu, Putri.
En: "Of course, Putri.
Id: Kita akan selalu merayakan Hari Waisak di Borobudur," jawab Adi.
En: We will always celebrate Vesak Day at Borobudur," Adi replied.
Id: Malam semakin larut.
En: The night grew late.
Id: Lampion terus menghiasi langit.
En: The lanterns continued to adorn the sky.
Id: Umat pulang dengan hati bahagia.
En: The devotees went home with happy hearts.
Id: Tempat suci itu kembali tenang.
En: The sacred place returned to tranquility.
Id: Adi dan Putri duduk di pinggir candi.
En: Adi and Putri sat at the edge of the temple.
Id: Mereka lelah, tetapi bahagia.
En: They were tired but happy.
Id: Perayaan Hari Waisak tahun ini sukses besar.
En: This year's Vesak Day celebration was a great success.
Id: "Kak Adi, kita harus lebih semangat tahun depan," kata Putri dengan mata berbinar.
En: "Brother Adi, we have to be more enthusiastic next year," Putri said with sparkling eyes.
Id: "Tentu.
En: "Certainly.
Id: Kita harus lebih baik lagi," jawab Adi.
En: We need to be even better," Adi replied.
Id: Mereka berdua saling tersenyum.
En: They both smiled at each other.
Id: Malam itu menjadi kenangan indah bagi Adi dan Putri.
En: That night became a beautiful memory for Adi and Putri.
Id: Perayaan yang penuh makna di jantung Candi Borobudur.
En: A deeply meaningful celebration at the heart of Borobudur Temple.
Vocabulary Words:
- rises: terbit
- peak: puncak
- lotus: teratai
- flowers: bunga
- candles: lilin
- celebration: perayaan
- birth: kelahiran
- enlightenment: penerangan sempurna
- passing: wafat
- Buddhist: umat Buddha
- enthusiastic: antusias
- temple: candi
- grounds: halaman
- swept: menyapu
- noon: siang
- incense: dupa
- gong: gong
- monks: biksu
- devotees: umat
- prayed: berdoa
- solemnly: dengan khusyuk
- awe: kagum
- sweat: keringat
- illuminated: menerangi
- chanted: nyanyian
- procession: prosesi
- lanterns: lampion
- adorn: menghiasi
- emotion: haru
- tranquility: tenang