Therefore, they were brutally, unnecessarily and unlawfully seized! So defense is asking for judge Wilson to please order the immediate return of trista's animals and Anthony's therapy dog; and seeking to press charges against six individuals, for false reporting ARS 132907.01; and 175 + counts each animal cruelty ARS 13 2910
In this testimony, Marti talks about why she brought Trista the animals she was most fond of, "because I knew they would be free, well-fed, happy and live a full life." She testifies as to the healthy state of "ChillyGirl", one of the two hens PACC (PIMA ANIMAL CARE CENTER) put down without trista's consent, Marty testifies that putting down these two animals was cruel because it was unjustified"! I'm pressing two additional charges of animal cruelty against the two main rogue officers in this case: Clarissa Leyva-Canez #3124 ; the detective inlet this non-crime who obtained a search warrant without valid probable cause, as detective noon #7977 was fully aware, as he said under oath under trista's questioning October 30th 2023, that the veterinarian who saw trista's dog Hank, "DECLINED TO REPORT THE INCIDENT". THEREFORE, the case should have been closed at that moment. But, if these officers were truly interested in the rest of my animals welfare, they would have listened to my repeated reassurances and thanks for their concern, that all my other animals were perfectly fine; but for some reason, these malicious prosecutors chose to omit my many reassurances and instead designate me as "aggressive" in their reports. I have audio of the exchange with officers on 8/24 1205 p.m., when Hank was literally at the vets getting medical treatment. So prima fascia, logically deducing that if my dog is at the vet then I did not fail to seek medical attention for him!
No matter that states witnesses were caught perjuring themselves and on the stand and falsifying the times of our arrest by many many hours; so that if judge Wilson were fair and a good judge he would throw out this case and dismiss all charges with prejudice so they can't persecute us any longer! To try to cover up there misconduct and criminal conspiracies to put innocent people in prison! The courts need to respond appropriately to this grotesque attack on civil liberties, as well as a horrific okay sub police brutality and cruelty towards animals, just to get a conviction. SHAME ON PIMA COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT YOU'RE A DISGRACE!
NOT ONLY DO THE CHARGES NEED TO BE DROPPED IMMEDIATELY, our pets returned ; but an investigation into these officers misconduct is definitely warranted.
As Sheriff candidate, I propose firing them all for this disgusting and horrific shocking torture of innocent animals and people.
I propose the judge order these defending officers to repay taxpayers to the tune of the at least quarter million dollars it cost Pima County taxpayers to carry out this disgraceful gestapo style invasion of privacy and theft of property; as well as false arrest I'm pressing charges we both are! False arrest false incarceration false charging abuse ofpower abuse of process to get another judge to sign off on having me involuntarily committed, or try to! I have submitted this outrageous piece of conspiracy to defraud innocent people of their civil rights, they're right to Lodge a complaint of excessive force, as well as their right our right to do process, protection against unreasonable search and seizure have been massively violated. You might as well have raped us you f****** pillaged and tried to destroy our lives and take away our liberty. So I'm asking judge Wilson for the same for them! It's only fair. I recommend maximum penalty for this heinous crime against the animal kingdom! When the public hears about this case? They will be SCANDALIZED ! At the level of sadistic torture of animals in order to assure a conviction! I'm seeking maximum jail time & maximum punitive damages against these folks, nothing personal I don't even know em
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