Why is discernment essential as we navigate through life? Why is discernment especially important now, at this time on the planet? How can we develop and trust our discernment? How can Spirituality help?
With degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics (and early experience in AI language model development), writer, researcher, mystic and philosopher Susan Larison Danz, M.S., combines logic with spirituality in all of her endeavors, sharing a free-flowing authentic, intuitive and liberating perspective with listeners.
Support Susan's inspirational outreach through exploring Gaia special promotions, giving you access to a vast array of consciousness-expanding videos. You can learn more about a Gaia free trial invitation here: https://bit.ly/sd_gaia-free-trial and https://bit.ly/sd_gaia (links fully administered by Gaia, subject to their policies and procedures).
Nature photo by Susan Larison Danz. Intro music excerpted from and closing music full piece from Kevin MacLeod's Living Voyage, freely available under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
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