This year's Refugee Week theme, "Finding Freedom," with a focus on family, captures the profound journey of resilience, strength, and unity that characterises the refugee experience in a world marked by displacement and the search for safety. This Refugee Week, the highlight is families playing a vital role in giving those who are forced to flee their homes comfort, support, and a sense of belonging. We also hope to shine light on the transformational power of chosen bonds as well as familial bonds in the face of hardship. Refugee Council of Australia’s Deputy CEO Adama Kamara speaks to us about Refugee Week and World Refugee Day. - Mijara Hefteya Penaberan ya îsal, "Dîtina Azadiyê", ku bi giranî li ser malbatê, rêwî, hêz û yekîtiya ku ezmûna penaberan li cîhaneke ku bi ji cîhûwarkirin û lêgerîna ewlehiyê ve hatî destnîşan kirin girêdaye. Di vê Hefteya Penaberan de, ya girîng ev e ku malbat roleke girîng di dayîna wan kesên ku neçar in ji malên xwe birevin rehetî, piştgirî û hestekî aîdiyetê bidin penaberan. Em derbarê Hefteya Penaberan bi Adama Kamara, Cîgira Rêvebera Sereke ya Encûmena Penaberan li Australya diaxafin.
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