Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Office Antics: How Rina and Wira Spiced Up Their Workday
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Story Transcript:
Id: Di pagi musim dingin yang dingin, kantor perusahaan Bagian Pemasaran mulai sibuk.
En: On a chilly winter morning, the Marketing Department office began to buzz with activity.
Id: Rina dan Wira duduk di meja mereka, mencoba untuk tetap fokus pada pekerjaan masing-masing.
En: Rina and Wira were seated at their desks, trying to stay focused on their respective tasks.
Id: Namun, suasana monoton membuat Rina merasa bosan.
En: However, the monotonous atmosphere made Rina feel bored.
Id: "Wira, gimana kalau kita ikut rapat itu?
En: "Wira, what if we join that meeting?"
Id: " bisik Rina sambil menunjuk layar komputer.
En: whispered Rina while pointing at the computer screen.
Id: Ada rapat online yang seharusnya hanya untuk para petinggi perusahaan.
En: There was an online meeting that was supposed to be only for the company's higher-ups.
Id: Wira tampak ragu.
En: Wira seemed hesitant.
Id: "Tapi itu rapat buat bos-bos kita, bukan buat kita," jawab Wira dengan serius.
En: "But that meeting is for our bosses, not for us," Wira replied seriously.
Id: "Ini akan menyenangkan, Wira!
En: "This will be fun, Wira!
Id: Yuk, sebentar aja.
En: Come on, just for a bit.
Id: Kita lihat apa yang mereka bicarakan," Rina memohon dengan senyum nakal di wajahnya.
En: Let's see what they're talking about," Rina pleaded with a mischievous smile on her face.
Id: Akhirnya, Wira menyerah dan mereka berdua masuk ke dalam rapat virtual tanpa disadari siapa pun.
En: Eventually, Wira gave in, and the two of them entered the virtual meeting unnoticed by anyone.
Id: Di awal, mereka hanya mendengarkan.
En: At first, they only listened.
Id: Namun, ide-ide usil mulai muncul di kepala Rina.
En: However, mischievous ideas started to form in Rina's head.
Id: "Wira, lihat ini," kata Rina sembari menulis komentar di chat rapat, "Apakah ada yang tahu di mana letak dapur kantor baru kita?
En: "Wira, look at this," said Rina while typing a comment in the meeting chat, "Does anyone know where our new office kitchen is?"
Id: " Beberapa peserta rapat bingung dengan pertanyaan aneh itu.
En: Some of the meeting attendees were confused by the odd question.
Id: Wira tertawa kecil, "Rina, kamu gila!
En: Wira chuckled lightly, "Rina, you're crazy!"
Id: " Tapi, dia tak bisa menahan rasa senangnya dan ikut terlibat.
En: But he couldn't suppress his amusement and joined in.
Id: Selanjutnya, Rina mengubah foto profil mereka menjadi gambar kucing lucu.
En: Next, Rina changed their profile pictures to cute cat images.
Id: Tiap kali Rina atau Wira berbicara, wajah kucing itu muncul di layar.
En: Every time Rina or Wira spoke, the cat face would appear on the screen.
Id: Beberapa peserta rapat mulai tertawa kecil, namun tak ada yang tahu siapa pelakunya.
En: Some of the meeting participants started chuckling, but no one knew who the culprit was.
Id: Situasi di rapat semakin kacau saat Rina mulai menulis pesan-pesan aneh di kolom chat, seperti "Apakah kita bisa membahas anggaran untuk liburan bersama?
En: The meeting became more chaotic when Rina began writing strange messages in the chat, like, "Can we discuss the budget for a team vacation?"
Id: " dan "Siapa yang membawa kopi pagi ini?
En: and "Who brought the morning coffee?"
Id: " Para petinggi mulai frustasi, bingung dengan gangguan tak terduga ini.
En: The executives grew frustrated, bewildered by the unexpected disruptions.
Id: Akhirnya, ketika seorang manajer mencoba mencari tahu siapa yang menyebabkan kekacauan tersebut, Rina dan Wira dengan cepat keluar dari rapat virtual.
En: Finally, when a manager tried to figure out who was causing the commotion, Rina and Wira quickly exited the virtual meeting.
Id: Mereka terengah-engah, tapi tertawa terbahak-bahak.
En: They were out of breath but laughing hysterically.
Id: "Gila, itu seru banget!
En: "Wow, that was so much fun!"
Id: " seru Rina.
En: exclaimed Rina.
Id: Wira hanya bisa menggelengkan kepala, namun dia tampak lebih rileks dan tersenyum lebar.
En: Wira could only shake his head, but he looked more relaxed and had a broad smile on his face.
Id: "Sekarang, kita harus lebih hati-hati.
En: "Now, we need to be more careful.
Id: Bisa kena marah kalau ketahuan," kata Wira.
En: We could get in trouble if we're caught," said Wira.
Id: Setelah insiden itu, suasana kantor terasa berbeda bagi mereka.
En: After that incident, the office atmosphere felt different for them.
Id: Rina merasa puas karena berhasil menyuntikkan sedikit keceriaan dalam hari yang monoton.
En: Rina felt satisfied for having injected a bit of cheer into the monotonous day.
Id: Sementara Wira, meski tetap waspada, mulai melihat bahwa sedikit kesenangan di tempat kerja bukan sesuatu yang buruk.
En: Meanwhile, Wira, though still cautious, began to see that a little fun at work wasn't such a bad thing.
Id: Keduanya kembali ke pekerjaan mereka, tapi kini ada keterikatan yang lebih kuat di antara mereka, dan mereka paham bahwa sedikit humor takkan merugikan siapa-siapa.
En: They returned to their work, but now there was a stronger bond between them, and they understood that a bit of humor wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Id: Jadi, meskipun hari itu mereka sedikit nakal, suasana kantor akhirnya menjadi lebih hidup dan ceria.
En: So, even though they had been a bit naughty that day, the office ultimately became more lively and cheerful.
Vocabulary Words:
- chilly: dingin
- respective: masing-masing
- monotonous: monoton
- pleaded: memohon
- mischievous: nakal
- hesitant: ragu
- unnoticed: tanpa disadari
- culprit: pelakunya
- bewildered: bingung
- suppress: menahan
- amusement: kesenangan
- injected: menyuntikkan
- cheer: keceriaan
- humor: humor
- ultimate: akhirnya
- higher-ups: petinggi
- participant: peserta
- serious: serius
- respect: hormat
- bosses: bos
- entertained: terhibur
- formed: terbentuk
- confused: bingung
- frustrated: frustasi
- unexpected: tak terduga
- disruption: gangguan
- chuckling: tertawa kecil
- causing: menyebabkan
- commotion: kekacauan
- hysterically: terbahak-bahak