Read Matthew 6:1-4. Why does Jesus tell them to hide their giving to the poor?
Read Matthew 6:5-8. Why does Jesus say to hide their praying? How have we today engaged in “meaningless repetition” with prayer?
Read Matthew 6:9-11. How do you think the Jews interpreted “kingdom” and “daily bread” when they heard it? How might we view this passage differently today?
Read Matthew 6:12. Why would Jesus offer them a prayer that asks God to forgive them to the same degree they’ve forgiven others?
Read Matthew 6:14-15. How is the conditional nature of this forgiveness highlighted even more in these verses? Is this the forgiveness we have from God today? Explain.
Read Matthew 6:16-18. Why does Jesus tell them to hide their fasting? Have you noticed how fasting is often announced and publicly agreed upon today? What are your thoughts?
“Hide your giving. Hide your praying. Hide your fasting. Stop all your worrying. Forgive others to be forgiven by God.” What is the typical Bible teaching on this sermon? How does it fall short of letting the sermon do its work as Jesus intended?