Read Matthew 7:1-5. What is the main point? How does it parallel Romans 2:17-24?
Read Matthew 7:6. Describe a time you tried to share the truth with someone who didn’t want to hear it. What did you learn from that experience? And from this Scripture?
Read Matthew 7:7-11. How is this evangelistic? How does it point to the goodness of God?
Read Matthew 7:12. This is commonly referred to as “the golden rule.” How does it fall short of a new covenant, grace-based motivation for treating others well?
Read Matthew 7:13-14. Describe the narrow gate. Describe the wide gate.
Reader Matthew 7:17-19. React to this statement: I’m a good tree that bears good fruit.
Read Matthew 7:21-23. Why does Jesus tell some to depart from Him? How do we know they were not ever believers?